What is important when choosing a sofa bed?
If you are a practical home owner, trying to give your living room as much functionality and versatility as possible, then you will definitely not go wrong looking for the most useful piece of furniture for your living room - sofa beds. A sofa with a sleeping mechanism is undoubtedly a great solution for every home. This compact piece of furniture is useful to have, especially if you want it to play more than one role in your home. A sofa bed can save you space or help in cases where guests stay with you for a few days. If you don't have a separate room for guests, in such cases a sofa bed, the biggest advantage of which is a fold-out bed, is a great solution for your home. In addition, if you yourself live in a small apartment, such a piece of furniture that serves as both a sofa and a bed may be the most suitable when you are looking for ways to expand an already small space.
Sofa beds are quite a popular choice these days. However, some manufacturers have a smaller selection of sofas with a sleeping mechanism. These manufacturers claim that a sofa with a folding sleeping mechanism is not as comfortable for sitting as compared to a simple sofa. The explanation is simple: when the sofa is equipped with a sleeping mechanism - the bed structure is hidden under its seat cushions, which encloses the sofa itself in the sense of sitting, while sofas without a mechanism have padding under their seat cushions, which provides additional comfort for sitting.
However, just like when choosing any other furniture for your home, you should think about and evaluate a few essential things, such as a sofa bed. Therefore, first of all, let's analyze what is most important when choosing a sofa with a sleeping mechanism. First of all, decide for which room you are buying a sofa bed. For the living room, you probably want not only an attractive appearance, but also a comfortable sofa, which will be the main spirit of your living room. If you are buying a sofa bed for a bedroom, then style is less important. Undoubtedly, you will want to match the sofa bed with the other furniture in the room, so when you choose this piece of furniture, try to choose a similar style so that everything in the room fits together. Decide how often the sleep mechanism will be used. Will the bed mechanism be used every day for someone to sleep or just for guests? If it will be used daily, in that case you will need to buy a sofa bed with a better, firmer mattress that would be comfortable for everyday sleeping. This is probably the difference between sofa beds designed for sleeping every night and sofas designed only for guests. The main distinguishing feature would be the sofa bed mattress. Sofa beds that have springs are usually about 13-14 cm. height mattress, are designed and can be used every night. When sofa beds are equipped with a thinner polyurethane mattress, usually 5-7 cm. tall, they are not designed for sleeping every night. Such mechanisms are recommended in cases where guests need to be accommodated for several nights.
Think of all the benefits of a sofa bed. A sofa with a sleeping mechanism provides several benefits: the piece of furniture can be used as a sofa and as a bed. It saves you space and becomes valuable when you have guests. Also think about the disadvantages of a sofa bed. A sofa bed is a good option, but not for everyone. First of all, the choice of sofa beds in terms of style and design is very limited. It is often a similar design, that is, sofas with straight lines, in which it is easiest to install mechanisms. Models with a slightly more sophisticated design do not have a sleeping mechanism. Even if you find a sofa-bed in a style you like, usually, as a rule, they are much more expensive than a simple sofa without a mechanism. Sitting on sofas without mechanisms is much more comfortable than on sofas with mechanisms. Naturally, there is a sofa bed mechanism under the seat cushions, so this affects the ergonomics of the sofa.
Consider purchasing a simple sofa, without a mechanism, with some alternatives. If you need a sofa bed only sometimes, when guests are staying, then think about whether it is worth investing in a mechanism in general. Of course, it is a good thing to have two in one, but if you do not plan to use the bed mechanism often, then perhaps the disadvantages of the sofa bed in this case do not redeem all its advantages.
Here are some alternatives that can save in cases where guest(s) are staying and you just have a simple sofa: put the guest directly on the sofa (of course, it is not recommended to do this too often); buy an inflatable mattress on which you can lay your guests or buy a roll-up foam mattress.
Find a living room sofa that best suits your needs. Do you need a sofa bed that is primarily a living room sofa? If so, then the most important thing is to choose a comfortable sofa, and only then think about the mechanism or its alternatives. Study everything carefully. If you decide to buy a sofa with a sleeping mechanism, carefully study all the offered options, the style of the sofas, the types of the unfolding mechanism, sizes, functionality, etc. Don't waste time looking for information and the offered models of sofa beds on the Internet, even if you are going to buy in a local furniture store. When choosing a sofa bed, it is important to take into account not only the style of the sofa bed that matches the overall interior of the house, but also the type of folding mechanism, the size of the sofa and mattress, the cover and other things. Like ordinary sofas, sofa beds can be covered with various types of upholstery (fabric or leather), so you can choose from many options. Of course, some people like fabrics, others prefer leather. The main advantage of leather is its easier care and cleaning. Although fabric-covered sofa beds add more coziness and warmth to the home.
Remember that the length of the sofa bed is not the width of the mattress. Often, two different sofas of the same size can have mattresses of different sizes (in terms of width). Therefore, if you are concerned about the size of the mattress, choose a sofa that has as narrow armrests as possible. This way you will get more useful space not only for sleeping, but also for sitting. Sofa beds for everyday use are equipped with a thicker 13-14 cm. height spring mattress. Sofa beds are suitable for sleeping only occasionally, they are equipped with a thinner 5-7 cm. high polyurethane mattress. If you are looking for a functional sofa, then a sofa bed is the best choice. It not only helps to save space and maximize the space of the home, but also does not allow the overall interior of the home to suffer. It can look just as elegant and stylish as with stationary sofas.
Sofalova.lt - the best place to buy sofas
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